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Win Big Money Playing Slot Machines

If you have ever played slot machines before at your local casino, then you know that some machines are huge payers while others can be especially tight. If you are playing a machine that is loose, you can sit there for as long as you can play and just rack up the coins. How does one find these loose slots to begin with? Here are a couple tips to put you in position to finding the slots that are paying out the most money each day.


Checking the Pay Table

How many times have you seen or heard a video slot machine and knew this was the machine you needed to play. The decision was based solely on how the game looked, or what music it was playing, and you wandered away an hour later broke after having all that fun. The object of the game here is not to have fun, but to win buckets full of real cash. To do this online you need to narrow down your search by choosing the slots that pay the most per win. The way that you do this is simply looking at the pay table for each game, and deciding which pays the most. When you find similar machines but one pays 10 times the other, you found you machines.


Progressive Jackpots are the Key

If you can not find a progressive slot machine at the online casino, look harder. These are the Slot Gratis Online machines with the big counting sign showing how huge the jackpot has grown in such a short time. In minutes you see the numbers go up hundreds if not thousands of dollars, and hitting the top pay line in that machine triggers the huge bonus. One win and you could actually be set for life.

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